Unlock the Potential of Your Broken Stanchions!

Unlock the Potential of Your Broken Stanchions!

Do you have a large storage room or cart full of broken stanchions that you've been meaning to get around to fixing? We feel your pain. After all, it seems like an impossible task. But it's actually not as hard as you think—and it can save you money in the long run. That's right, anyone with just their hands and a screwdriver can replace the parts on their stanchion! Let's take a look at how easy it is to repair your broken stanchions and why it’s worth doing so.

Why Repair Your Stanchions? 

If you're like most facilities, chances are that you have a storage room or cart full of broken stanchions that haven't been replaced yet. You may think that buying new stanchions will be cheaper than repairing them—but this isn't always the case! In fact, replacing parts on your existing stanchion is often cheaper than buying a new one! Additionally, if done correctly, repairing your stanchions can make them last longer than they ever did before. Think about all the money you'll save by investing in repairs as opposed to replacements! 

How To Repair Your Stanchion 

Repairing your broken stanchion doesn't require any special tools or knowledge—just some basic hand tools and common sense. Let's talk about replacing a retractable belt cassette. Simply unscrew the old part, slide the old one out, and replace it with the new one. Once everything is screwed together tightly, you should be good to go! It really is that simple. 

The Benefits Of Repairs vs Replacements 

Aside from saving money on replacement costs and making sure your stanchion lasts longer, there are several other benefits to repairing your existing stanchion instead of replacing it. First off, repairs don't require any additional installation work—all you need is some basic hand tools and a few minutes of time. Furthermore, repairs allow for more customization options because you can easily switch out different pieces for different looks or needs (e.g., retractable belts, rope ends, or even rope stanchion tops). Finally, repairs are also more eco-friendly than replacements because they reduce waste and conserve resources. 


At this point we hope we've convinced you that repairing your broken stanchion isn't as daunting as it might seem! With just some basic hand tools and a few minutes of time, anyone can replace parts on their stanchion with ease—and reap all sorts of benefits in terms of cost savings, customization options, and eco-friendliness in the process. So don't wait any longer—unlock the potential of your broken stanchion today!

Common Replacement Parts: Belt EndRope EndBelt CassetteBase CoverStanchion Top

Mar 2nd 2023 Epic Solutions Experts

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